Saturday, June 2, 2007

Alright, time to finally start putting up some of these fabulous links to life, the universe & everything. I have been advised to employ classification systems and such-like, which advice I'll certainly follow, as time allows, but for now, it's enough that I bloody well link some great stuff before it (or my memory) fade any further. Many thanks to all who've requested & suggested materials for this undertaking.

Position of honor must go to Jeff Wells' Rigorous Intuition, for there I've been allowed to grow my memes, wax pedantic & boorish, and generally sort out what's what. Thanks, Jeff. Here's the main, with off-ramps for blog & board.

In no particular order then (it's coming, Tsoldrin--I promise), here's some stuff that will feed your head:

The New Physics of Bio-mimicry page from Robert Arnett’s webring. Fascinating stuff, especially the Vortex Theory ideation that’s behind this "Free Energy and Free Thinking, Advanced Level".

We'll get back to more alternative science stuff--lots more--but I have another debt of gratitude or two to acknowledge before I go any further, so here we go. My inspirations:

Indigenous or Green Politics:


The Politics of Consciousness and the Consciousness of Politics

This is part of the Rainbowbody Network, an immense resource in itself, where you'll find all sorts of great stuff, including Wm. Kötke's vastly brilliant Final Empire: The Collapse of Civilization and the Seed of the Future, which I've quoted so many times I think I might owe Bill some royalties. It's the online version, of which Chapter 13, The Principles of Life (The Moral Basis of the Life of the Earth) and Chapter 9, The Cultural Dynamics of Empire are of particular value.

Hat's off, to Bill Kötke!! He's got a few newer books out, as well as the optimistic, even inspiring essay, The Hero's Journey that are all well-written and deeply centered.

Well, that's it for the moment...stay tuned.

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